
Hi Internet,

I suck. On Friday nights like this you're my only social life. And I mean you and only you. I don't even talk to people online. Well, it's not like there's nobody I can go out with, I just don't have money. And it's not that I don't have a boyfriend, he's just out with his friends. Because he has a social life... and he doesn't suck... unlike me. On Friday nights like this I wish I didn't have you, Internet, and I wish I still lived in QC. Then I would be forced to go out in search of something to do. Even without money, I'm sure I would find ways, because that's what's living in QC is like, one can always find ways. On Friday nights like this, I am reminded that I am still 23. Using pop culture as reference, I should be out there having fun with my friends. I should be "unwinding" and "letting my hair down." On Friday nights like this, I wish I was single and didn't have to worry about what my boyfriend would think. Because no matter what happens I'm sure in one way or another going out on a Friday night like this without him would lead into a fight, even a small one. Most of all, on Friday nights like this, I miss being with my friends. I miss talking with other people. I miss the feeling of being human, of being alive.

See, Internet? The world outside is a lot different from what you show us. And I am more shallow than I appear to be. I simply ask that Friday nights like this would no longer exist, so that what would remain are only Friday nights. Just Friday nights.

Have not been getting down for many Fridays,

1 comment:

Niko Batallones said...

You're better off than I am -- nobody would hang out with me. On any night.