
Me today

I should be working right now but instead, I feel like writing poetry though no topic comes to mind. Like I know how to write poetry. Right.

Homeland Season 3 has been brilliant so far. Not as brilliant as the first two seasons but it comes close. Why can't they kill Brody already? And I ship Quathison so much. And I need a Saul in my life. And for the love of all things holy, Carrie Mathison, I hate that I can relate with something so far-fetched.

The things we do everyday, do they make sense? Why am I here? I shouldn't be. I should be making something out of something else not trying to make something but looking for something else.

Sometimes I'd rather be staying here, at home, dreaming of being out there so that when I'm out there I would be experiencing it fully, mind, body, and soul, than being out there but dreaming of being at home.

I will be trying to get back on track for the next two weeks whenever I'm not working on the event. I know I still have too much on my plate considering that I've already given up a lot but hey, one day at a time. I'm not in a hurry. Everything beautiful is made from easy, slow, gentle loving. I don't agree in the "rock n' roll" ways of getting things done. It just has to be fun and of course full of whole lotta loves.

So maybe you can say that I'm in a good mood. I really have to start working. FOCUS.

I promise this is my last post for tonight

We ran away
Leaving this World
the Love, the Hurt, the Dirt.
We made our Own.
Something not in any word
Our gold and silver pieces
The rush of water, our fountain;
and the soft hum unknown

Pulling back
forevermore and only to us
the gentle strokes
where secrets are felt
and the skin whispers
eluding Time


My mood today is relatively okay as is the past few days but I've been having nightmares again. Also, I feel like I'm near the brink of depression again so good luck to my week.

Two weeks ago I crashed. Two Fridays ago, it was so intense I thought I was going to go crazy. The last time I felt that way was I think summer of this year. So I forced myself to go on a short break and went home to my parents. Things became better after that so now I'm just waiting for the next bout with depression.

I hope I survive this week. Just too much on my plate.

And I hope I get some money soon. Whew.