

I just hope I'm home when this happens.

Tomorrow: Cirque du Soleil

Or today.

E, I'm so excited I can't sleep (plus I'm also hungry).

See, I'm a big fan of Cirque du Soleil (and Cirque du Freak, and anything Cirque, really) so just imagine my disappointment when I learned that they're coming to Manila! I was disappointed because I knew I wouldn't be able to afford the tickets and there wasn't enough time to raise 10, 500 pesos. Life's tough, okay? But when there's SO much will, there are ways.

Like getting a job at the Cirque perhaps?

So yes, I am the new resident wardrobe assistant slash circus chimay and I couldn't be happier with the job. Can you believe? It's like "Cirque du Freak: The Vampire's Assistant" except that I'm the Wardrobe Assistant. Get it? Hahahahahahahahaha. Ha.

Anyway, their tent is HUGE and appears even more so inside. And when Larry Edwards, the wardrobe master uttered "Welcome." my knees literally shook from excitement. Since it's my first day I didn't have regular tasks so I was just given chores to show me around and to familiarize myself with the work places. Chores like ironing fairy skirts, fixing headdresses, polishing musicians' boots, washing white velvet shoes, and cleaning hawk-like headgears aren't really that bad. They are actually AWESOME chores, if you must know. But on the real show, on the 22nd, I actually will have a cooler job. He-he.

So like I said, later, I am not coming in to work. I am coming in at 7 PM to watch the show at 7:30 PM. Be jealous. Be very jealous.

Maybe there really is a Santa Claus and maybe this is an early Christmas gift to make up for the Christmas 2012 that isn't happening anymore because the world is ending on 12/23/12 and maybe, you know, just maybe I have been naughty but I'm still also really nice. SABEEEEEEH?!


I was just at Wonderland. Cirque du Soleil is amazing, amazing, AMAZING. Tomorrow I don't have to work on anything, I just have to watch the show (dress rehearsal/media night) because our wardrobe master says that we have to watch it so that we know what we're working on. Aren't they the best?!

Really, which would you choose, your dream job or a high-paying regular steady job?