

Patawarin nawa, pero ngayon ko lang talaga na-realize na ang ultimate song of 2011 ko ay Rolling in the Deep. Pak!


Last Week of December Ever

Learned that a gay friend, Martin, just moved in near C's place. Met up with him. Then decided to crash a house party, which was apparently a pool party we weren't prepared for. Got crazy drunk. We were literally forced to drink from the bottle straight up without chaser. Fun people. Fun, wild, virgin, and hella rich people.

After getting drunk.

We decided to tag along with Martin to a gay club in a gimik spot located in Ortigas. It was so much fun. I was just dancing and jumping and singing. It was the most fun I've had in a while. I kept scanning the club for girls I could dance with, but no luck.

Went to the bathroom, which was outside the bar but just inside the building. On my way back to the bar I pulled the fire alarm. *RRRRRIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINNNNNNNGGGG*

The guards were on me so when I got back to the bar I asked C for his hoodie so I could hide my face.You couldn't hear the ringing inside the bar because the music was too loud. (That place is definitely a fire hazard.) I certainly remember proudly grinning when I was telling C that I pulled the fire alarm.

Then, it was as if nothing happened. They probably turned the alarm off or something. Didn't care.

I remember complaining that I couldn't find anybody to dance with because everyone there were gay guys who weren't interested in dancing with a girl. Someone (I don't remember who) pointed out the girl in the corner, almost as if daring me to go up to her. So I asked the girl to dance. And dance away we did. She wasn't good-looking. Didn't care at the time.

Then apparently later on I demanded C that we go home. C says I puked my guts out in the cab. Then I puked some more when we got to his place. He was teasing me the next day that I have a new bestfriend--the planggana.

The girlfriend of his roommate says we got home around 6 AM and we were fighting. It went something like this:
Me: I need a locker!
C: Wait.
Me: I need a locker now!
C: Wait, I'm looking for it--wait, what?! You need a locker?!
I woke up with the worst hangover I've ever had in my life. I couldn't move. My innards felt sensitive and mushy. But my clothes have been changed and C bought me mami for breakfast. The sweetest thing. I popped a V and spent the whole day sleeping. When I woke up at night I still wasn't feeling well so I stayed in.

So, yeah, that's it. My average life. At least I got to pull a fire alarm.

Oh and, the most important thing, I know I am loved. HAPPY NEW YEAR!


I swore I'd figure this thing out before the year ends so...

Sometimes I want to ask, "Can I unfriend you?" But there seems no polite way of saying this. And can you just Eternal Sunshine someone from your life? I tried to, but to no avail.

We've been really good friends but sometimes I feel like I cannot move on with my life with you still in it. Just sometimes though. Most times I'm perfectly fine and happy.

And C is very special to me and I do not want to lose him.

Okay, still unresolved. Better luck tomorrow.


2011: One Hard F*** Y***

Yes, 2011, FUCK YOU.

1. What did you do in 2011 that you'd never done before?
Had a one-night stand, pulled a fire alarm of a building (for the heck of it), danced my pride away (in Cubao X, a couple of times), went into a gay club and asked a girl to dance (for the heck of it), worked with the Wardrobe Dept, got published, smoked a joint in a public place

2. Did you keep your new year's resolutions, and will you make more for next year? 
I do not remember having any resolutions. I haven't thought about that yet actually.

3. Did anyone close to you give birth? 
Yes. Even sort-of babysat one of them.

4. Did anyone close to you die? 
Yes. RIP.

5. What countries did you visit? 
I don't suppose kalawakan counts, so none.

6. What would you like to have in 2012 that you lacked in 2011? 
What I've always wanted: a best friend. That one true, constant companion who is not the boyfriend.

7. What date(s) from 2011 will remain etched upon your memory, and why? 
I would say that the whole year has been tattooed on my forehead as the most eventful year ever but truth is, I'm bad with dates.

8. What was your biggest achievement of the year?

SURVIVING. It was a tough, tough year for me.

9. What was your biggest failure?
Not being able to keep my mouth shut on that one big secret. (I was also bad with handling money, but telling the truth when I shouldn't be was I think the worst decision I made this year.)

10. Did you suffer illness or injury? 
Fell down the stairs, bumped my left temple on the cab hard while drunk (still hurts), insensitivity, extreme cases of hangover, immaturity, an abnormal case of fatigue (or laziness, whatever),

11. What was the best thing you bought? 
The best suede boots in the world. I get to wear it everywhere. This completely sounds not like me--you know, obsessing over a pair of shoes, but style+practicality gets three thumbs-ups on my book. It was like custom-made for my lifestyle. I swear, okay?

12. Whose behaviour merited celebration? 
Mine. Yes, I'm conceited like that. And that does not deserve merit. So I'm kind of contradicting myself here.

13. Whose behaviour made you appalled and depressed? 
Three of my best guy friends. Especially C I guess. But we're good now! Really.

14. Where did most of your money go? 
The high cost of living.

15. What did you get really, really, really excited about? 
Varekai, Bamboo's new album as a solo artist (I know, I know), Niño (inspite of all the challenges), Deftones' concert too, I guess.

16. What song will always remind you of 2011? 
You don't expect me to choose just one, do you? Paper Bag by Fiona Apple (for the summer), I'll Be Yours by Those Dancing Days (after summer), Do You Realize? by The Flaming Lips (that's the entire year on this one), Your Song by Ellie Goulding (sadder days), Moving Away by My Morning Jacket (obviously), that Fish Story song, Teenage Kicks by Nouvelle Vague, everything Zee Avi, and Pomplamoose and of course There's A Hole in My Pocket by J. Kap ft. Alec Roeser. Know what, I should make an entire post out of this question alone. Jeez.

17. Compared to this time last year, are you: 

I. happier or sadder?
Both years had been tough. I had more happier days in 2010 I think. Yes, I think so. (It's hard to answer this one because everything just looks better in retrospect.)

II. thinner or fatter?
I was fattest on the first half of 2010, thinnest on the 2nd half of 2010 and first half of 2011? Oh, the skinny bitch.

III. richer or poorer?
Richer on most days. La vie boheme!

18. What do you wish you'd done more of? 
Lying? HAHAHAHA. Seriously, I think I've done enough this year. More than enough. I actually wish I'd done less. But I think I should have traveled more.

19. What do you wish you'd done less of? 
A-ha! Overthinking.

20. How will you be spending Christmas? 

21. Did you fall in love in 2011? 
Fall in and out of love over and over again.

22. How many one-night stands? 
One. Maybe the last in this lifetime? You never know.

23. What was your favourite TV program? 
Weeeeell, there are days when the line between real life and sitcom becomes blurry. Ha! I love Community and The Misfits. Starting on Breaking Bad too. But I had too many fun memories watching Gossip Girl with friends.

24. Do you hate anyone now that you didn't hate this time last year? 
Sadly, yes.

25. What was the best book you read? 
I can't remember the title. "Drawing a Blank," was it? Or something like that.

26. What was your greatest musical discovery? 
I love Zee Avi, and Thao with the Get Down Stay Down, and Mates of State, and The Joy Formidable, and Architecture in Helsinki.

27. What did you want and get? 
I always get what I want, haven't you figured that out already? Kidding. A lot of things, to be fair. My oh my, I'm not one to count blessings, am I? Must learn to be more grateful. Now that one I think would make a great new year's resolution.

28. What did you want and not get? 
I wanted him (note the past tense) and did not get him (again, past tense.)

29. What did you not ask for but get? 
Issues. A big level up in Life Challenges' difficulty.

30. What was your favourite film of this year? 
Fish Story. Was it shown this year? Anyway, I saw it this year.

31. What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you? 
Turned twenty-three. Worked. Ate a lot. The day itself was mediocre but I didn't feel bored nor pressured. Was still celebrating it by drinking two months later.

32. What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying? 
Had I kept things to myself. The only one thing I still regret.

33. How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2011? 
Laid-back--ergo, I don't have money to shed on clothes so I only wear the good and comfortable ones I have.

34. What kept you sane? 
Haven't thought about this till now. My siblings, maybe? I love them to bits. And venting online. This blog? Ha. Friends, sometimes.

35. Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most? 
Jim Morrison always and forever. Yes, C says its weird to fancy a dead person. I've grown a huge crush with Adam Levine. I KNOOOW. I just realized it now. And that actor from The Misfits, his character's name is Nathan.

36. What political issue stirred you the most? 

EVERYTHING, of course. I still stand by my principles. Only the faces change, not the system. The case of human rights violations is appalling.

37. Who did you miss? 
A lot of people I was with during the summer. Like I said, my youth ended with the summer.

38. Who was the best new person you met?
 Sometimes I regret meeting him but at the same time we were really good friends and I couldn't have survived half the shit I was going through had it not been for him. Yes, the one-night stand guy. Although I realize now what a big mistake everything was. And if there's such thing as a wrong friendship, ours was it. On a lighter note, the production staff of Niño, I guess, and the people from Varekai. They. Are. Great.

39. Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2011: 
Keep your mouth shut. And another important thing, I have a bright bourgeois hypocritical future ahead of me if I pursue the corporat shite but my principles just won't let me. And for now, I'm fine with that.

40. Quote a song lyric that sums up your year:
 "And instead of saying all of your goodbyes - let them know
You realize that life goes fast
It's hard to make the good things last
You realize the sun don' go down
It's just an illusion caused by the world spinning round" -Do You Realize?, The Flaming Lips


All I Want

I want to make peace, not to everyone, but to some. But I don't intend to push things just to "start the year right." New year superstitions will not dictate this. Timing will. And I don't think we're there yet.

I'll figure this out before the year ends. I promise.

I Feel Cheated

My friend told me how she got devirginized on Christmas Eve in what could have been just a one night stand. And compared to the only one night stand I had ever had in my life, her experience was far better. Ugh. She was taken care of. They even cuddled. While I, I did all the work. Dammit. What was wrong with me?! Oh yeah, I was on the rebound. Fuck.



I want to have online friends. Uhm, how?

Oh, and

RIP to a friend. We were not exactly the "we-confess-to-each-other-our-secrets" type of friends but you were a good guy and when we would bump into each other it had always been on good times with good company and good vibes. You had always been nice to me and this loss has made me rethink a lot of things in life. A lot of people are missing you already! Rock and roll sa taas.


What is December Part 2

Going out without passing out. Getting back together. (That comforting scent of familiarity.) Seeing your bestfriends. Not seeing your other bestfriends. Finally saying "What's up?" to the other bestfriends. Drinking tea instead of beer. Actually showing up at social gatherings. Eating your heart out. Loving. A whole lotta loving.

On Living Up to Christmas

Normally, I'd be happily watching my downloads and reading long-forgotten second-hand books, but since tomorrow is Christmas Eve I feel like I need to be doing something else. I have always loved and enjoyed the Holidays. I was the spoiled kid who always got her perfect ending for an entire year of being both naughty and nice.

You know what, I just feel pressured. There's nothing here.


The Scare

Somehow I feel like I should write about this just so I can finally put it out there, but on the other hand if i put it into writing, it would make it real. As if it can get any more real than this. If I write about it, it means that I accept that, indeed, it scares me. That I have to face it, and do something about it. That I have to decide -- if "it" really is there inside me, will I keep it?

In the past, I've always been decisive that if it does happen to me, I'd opt for what I think is the more sensible decision considering the circumstance, because I know that I am not ready for it, I am not stable enough for it. But now that it is actually happening, I am not so sure anymore.

But really, I should take the test first.



Truthfully, there are a lot of things bothering me at this very moment. But, also, I am in that moment when I need focus on the more pressing matters. Like activism.


Maybe tomorrow?

I need rest.

And I need to find out what's going on with my body. I'm either sick or pregnant. Or, okay, fine, just depressed.


What is December Part 1

It means listening to that playlist or that song without feeling like you’re opening a wound. It means not being swallowed by sadness but enjoying a bittersweet nostalgia instead. It means saying “I’m happy for you” without a sudden rise in pitch. It means looking forward to what’s next. It means shooing away the shoulda-woulda-couldas, what-could-have-beens, and what-ifs.

It means finally accepting everything that has ended. It means smiling in your head, while remembering the bliss of the moments while they lasted. It means looking back, but not with regrets. It means your year is coming. It means “own it.”


Not to the banging end of a lousy 2011 but of an eventful year. Not to the mistakes and failures, but to the “learning experiences.” Not to the evil bosses, but to the higher self-worth you developed. Not to the opportunities you missed, but to the risks you took. Not to the oppressors, but to the gallant fighters. Not to the friend you lost, but to the memories you created. Not to getting your heart broken, but to having friends to run to when it did. Not to the love that has finally ended, but to the relationship you built with yourself.

To the long stares. To looking away. To taking his hand. To letting go. To knowing it’s not yours to take.

To music . (Of course, to music.)  To getting drunk. To swearing it will not happen again. To getting drunk with good company.  To dancing. To not getting drunk with good company. To the love-hate relationships. To loving like a child. To growing up.

To the circus of life and the magic. To the summer in the city and youth.  To creating art and relationships. To being independent but dependent to good friends. To living life on the edge and challenging yourself. To compromising safety for the joy of learning. To all things beautiful. To cliches, and creating new cliches. CHEERS.