
Working with Magazines When She Doesn't Know How to Write

Somehow blogging doesn't feel to be an integral part of my life anymore lately. Maybe I should get a real blog. I made one but it's already been a month and there's still only one post in that white space. When I got this Editorial Assistant job, I was so messed up because I was so used to typing randomly (like what I'm doing now), following my well-scattered thoughts. Now that's not good when you're writing features. Now, blogging does not appeal to me because I get so O.C. that I always feel like I have to copyedit, I need to copyedit. So tonight, I thought I'd give it a try once again, blogging, writing aimlessly about what's in my head. See? There, I think I was able to do it. Put smiley here.


Niko Batallones said...

I notice that when you start writing for a living you start blogging less. I used to have a blog entry a day. Now, five a month is productive.

Then again, I tend to write long, so...

Also, then again, I'm not in your position (nor do I wish so, ahem, ahem) so...

crazy said...

Okay, ang pangit lang ng blog post na 'yon. O 'di ba, may standards na 'ko ngayon? Sucks.

I'm starting to hate writing for a living. Unless I think if it's fiction. I don't think this is for me.

Niko Batallones said...

We have our down days, I say.

As for you starting to hate writing for a living... that's messy.

crazy said...

Hahahaha, it's just not as fun! We'll see.