
Neither Here nor There: The I-Was-Supposed-to-Post Post

I want to know what you're thinking. What you're really thinking. And feeling. Not what you think you should tell me or what you think I want to hear or what you think is the proper thing to say. I'm sorry if I'm not good with criticisms, but I still want/need to know.


Things you do probably do not care about but I would want to write down just for the sake of remembering:

-Saw Hobbit in 3D. The first LOTR film I've ever seen!
-Me and Orson Welles. <3
-Finally unfriended L on Facebook. This may seem shallow but I really do feel relieved.
-Been playing The Last Stand: Dead Zone. Ugh, I'm hooked.
-Just got my period = not pregnant. I half-hoped I was.
-I plan to attend Malasimbo again next year. Need to start saving up.
-I will start working a full-time home-based job on January 1st. I haven't quite figured out how I will make this work as I have no workspace and my laptop's keyboard is broken. I can't work on my desktop because I just can't. Also, I need to buy new eyeglasses. Hello, eyestrain.
-I wish I'd still be able to go to the museum regularly despite this new job.
-I'm excited to eat at Van Gogh is Bipolar with C! I'll probably cry. Teehee.
-Family's day out tomorrow.
-Speaking of family, my mom's brother's ex-wife is now my dad's brother's girlfriend/live-in partner/baby mama. WTF RIGHT?
-I haven't bought gifts for my siblings and parents yet. THE MALLS ARE INSANE SO I'M SORRY. I'll give them something on the New Year instead. Maybe. Mwahaha!
-That alpha male director's film sucked, they said. MWAHAHA!
-I miss going out with my friends but at the same time, I can't be bothered.
-Can't think of anything else right now.

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