
Life Changes and My New Pursuit of Happiness

Okay. First. I have an interview at 9:30 AM. Yes, I should be sleeping. Whatever. Another yes, I'm serious (breeeeeeathe) with the changes I'm planning for my life. I'm going to get a job, live a normal life, be healthy, and all that sell out jazz. A romantic relationship is out of the picture but romance isn't. It's going to be Eat Pray Love Work Play. New mantra, yes. ("Eat, drink, and be merry" will always, always be part of me though.)

Second, I have three pimples on my face! First there was just one and then I thought, oooh, someone's crushing on somebody. And then there were two and I thought, oh, boy, love triangles are never good. And then there came the third, which is really small and is situated far away from the other two. Hahahahahaha! That's my complicated life relationships right there, in my face. Awkward. Yes.

Third, I think I'm being unfair to C (my X). I shouldn't be sharing my emotional baggage with him because I know that he still has feelings for me. Well I also still do for him but I really, really have decided to move on. I don't know.

Last and most importantly, my parents caught me with my weed stash. I don't know who checked my bag but they both saw it. It was like this:

Early in the A.M. in my bedroom

Mom (wakes me up): What's this?
Me (still half-asleep): Marijuana.

And that was the end of me.

Ma was cool with it. She's cool about everything. She's just worried that I could have gotten caught or arrested. But Pa, he's something else. He hasn't talked to me about it yet and honestly, I'm not looking forward to it. Okay, I admit, I'm hoping the end of the world happens first.

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