
i am so tired and PMS-ing right now

there are a lot of jobs out there apparently. but none that you'd like and enjoy and would treat you fairly and pay you your work's worth. fairness is apparently something that's too much to ask. injustice has become normative. nothing's wrong enough.

i'm losing my respect in people.

just stop pretending. you hate your job. you know you do. you hate the claustrophobic environment. you hate the instant coffee. you hate not having to be able to smoke whenever you want. you hate having to make excuses when you are going to be late or absent for work. you want to be able to do what you want. don't be a wuss and just do it, whatever it may be. i mean, seriously, do you really want a career?! come on. so much better things out there. much, much better.

fortunately, there are still some who are brave enough to stand up for what they believe in--with good pay or none. i miss you good people of the world. i wish to join you again soon. once i get myself out of this tangled web.

i am SABAW.

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